Under Obamacare, Four Million Fewer Covered By Employers

The lies and propaganda are so substantial that only the politburo of liberal lawmakers and special interest groups know exactly what's in Obamacare.  Unfortunately, that leaves over 300 million Americans clueless as to what's going to happen to their health care and how much it's going to cost.  The "projected" cost of Obamacare was and is a farce because accounting gimmicks were used to hide the real cost until either Obama was out of office or in second term.  A new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states that come 2016, four million fewer people will be covered by their employer's health insurance because of Obamacare.  So, the statement that "if you like your plan, you can keep it" is a flat out lie by President Obama.

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Obamacare Cost Nearly Doubles to $1.76 Trillion

Nancy Pelosi infamously said that we need to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it.  Not only was Obamacare passed, but it was rammed into law by Democratic ideologues through arm twisting, lies and propaganda.  President Obama stated it would cost $900 billion over 10-years and would reduce the deficit by $1 trillion.  This was a lie that he knowingly promoted.  The notion that adding nearly 30 million people to the health care system, along with control of the private sector by the government, would reduce costs and the deficit was baloney.  Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) updated their figures and came to a new forecast estimate of Obamacare of $1.76 trillion over 10-years, after they got around the Democrats accounting tricks.

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Liberal Groups, Labor Unions Targeting Corporations for Opposition Political Spending

Shannon Bream over at FOX News wrote a great piece yesterday about a new thug tactic being headed up by radical liberal organizations and labor unions: they're on a mission to attack corporations that spend money on their opponents in the upcoming election.  After the Citizens United Supreme Court case, liberals have been whining because corporations now have the ability to spend unlimited money on elections, which used to be reserved solely for labor unions.  The result has been fairness and equality when it comes to election spending; it removed the competitive advantage that belonged to the Democratic Party.  Super PACs have been inaccurately described by the elite media because they want everyone to negatively associate the GOP with them.  Now, radical liberal organizations are targeting companies, including boycotts and blackmail, for information on corporate political spending.

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