White House Marks Two-Year Anniversary of Obamacare on Twitter #MyCare

To mark the two-year anniversary of President Barack Obama's and Congressional Democrats ramming Obamacare into law against the will of an overwhelming majority of Americans, the White House is celebrating with Cecilia Muñoz, Director of Domestic Policy Council, on Twitter!  Putting radical, ideological agenda before reality, Obamacare was the gracious way Obama and Democrats gave American citizens the middle finger.  After doubling in cost due to planned propaganda accounting gimmicks, Obamacare faces increased opposition from the country because Americans don't want a government bureaucrat getting in-between them and their doctor.  What's interesting is that the White House is having a subdued event, when everyone knows Obama wants to celebrate the passage of him being able to control the most intimate aspect of an individual's life.

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The $1 Trillion Obamacare Lie

For those that don't recall, Obamacare was pitched at a cost of $940 billion over a 10-year period.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scored Obamacare under the scenario they were given by the White House and Democrats in Congress.  The reason for this was simple: Democrats had a $1 trillion self-imposed ceiling for the bill.  At the time, the economy was in ruins and Congress faced a perception issue of big spending.  Remember, this was after the $787 billion phony stimulus bill.  But these are liberals we're talking about here, so they could've cared less about the cost.  It only mattered what other's thought of the cost.  What we know now is that Obamacare's cost was carefully calculated by Democrats and President Obama; the propaganda was carried by the liberal media.

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White House Organizing Obamacare Rallies During Supreme Court Arguments

Friday marks the two year anniversary that Obamacare was rammed into law against the will of over 70% of Americans.  Liberals controlled the White House and Congress and history will look back and realize that time period was one of the most destructive in American history.  In fact, depending on the outcome this November, it may have been the beginning of the end for America.  That said, Obamacare was only possible under those conditions.  However, public sentiment has not changed one iota when it comes to Obamacare and the government getting in-between of the individual and their doctor.  With the Affordable Care Act heading to the Supreme Court next week in what will be the most important case in recent memory, the White House is coordinating their minions to drum up propaganda for the media to spread, so it appears that the unpopular law is popular.

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