Sandra Fluke's Boyfriend is Son of Huge Democratic Donor

To reiterate what we mentioned countless times last week, Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law school student that's spent $3,000 on birth control since enrolled in law school, is a professional activist.  She was handpicked by Nancy Pelosi to testify in front of a phony Congressional hearing after Congressman Darrell Issa excused her from an earlier hearing because she wasn't an expert, but rather a hack.  Thanks to Bill O'Reilly last week, we now know quite a bit more about this creep that's advocated for mandatory coverage of sex change surgery.  That aside, Sandra Fluke deserves zero sympathy, but rather ridicule as we continue to expose this feminist liberal plant that changed the subject of how Obamacare forces religious institutions to go against their morals to cover contraception.

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