Obama Campaign Already Rebranding Obamacare's Individual Mandate

After President Obama's signature piece of legislation, Obamacare, was picked apart by Supreme Court Justices that follow the Constitution, the Obama re-election campaign is pushing hard to rebrand the individual mandate, which is unpopular by nearly 75% of Americans.  On Tuesday this week, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) heard arguments for and against Obamacare, specifically the individual mandate that requires an individual to purchase health care insurance or pay a government fine.  It started on FOX News' Special Report, where Shannon Bream interviewed Obama's re-election campaign's chief propagandist Ben Labolt.  The individual mandate in Obamacare is now being referred to as "individual responsibility provision."  Well, liberalism and personal responsibility in the same sentence is absolutely hilarious.  

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Workforce Fairness Documents Labor Union Thug Tactics

The incestuous labor union thugs play a massive role in forming policy in America, despite that they represent less than five percent of the country.  It's wonderful scheme that unions have going on: union members are forced to pay dues; these dues are given to liberal Democrat politicians; these politicians then draft policy to take from the producers in society and redistribute it back to the unions in some form.  It's the circle of life that runs the Democratic Party.  There's a chilling side to all of this, though, and that is the unabashed violence carried out by labor union thugs.  Death threats, stalking and other forms of violence are just the tip of the iceberg as to what union thugs will do to make sure they don't have to work to get something they want.  And now there's a chilling video to remind everyone.

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Students Assigned Opposition Research of Republican Presidential Candidates

It's the Soviet Union in modern day America!  Liberals have long sought to control the school system as a way to indoctrinate the youth.  This was seen in Adolf Hitler's Germany.  Frankly, the Left has done a great job infiltrating higher education, as well as junior highs and high schools.  If it involves education, liberals are deeply integrated.  Look no further than the Communist National Education Association (NEA).  It's the reason why so many kids under the age of 25-years old are liberal Democrats.  However, this is nothing new.  What surfaced last week, though, is something much more disturbing: an eight grade teacher had his students perform opposition research on the 2012 Republican presidential candidates and arrange to have the content sent to the Obama re-election campaign.

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