Obamacare Cost Nearly Doubles to $1.76 Trillion

Nancy Pelosi infamously said that we need to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it.  Not only was Obamacare passed, but it was rammed into law by Democratic ideologues through arm twisting, lies and propaganda.  President Obama stated it would cost $900 billion over 10-years and would reduce the deficit by $1 trillion.  This was a lie that he knowingly promoted.  The notion that adding nearly 30 million people to the health care system, along with control of the private sector by the government, would reduce costs and the deficit was baloney.  Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) updated their figures and came to a new forecast estimate of Obamacare of $1.76 trillion over 10-years, after they got around the Democrats accounting tricks.

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