Swiss Banks Satisfied With Money From Romney.....and Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The incoherent baboon, also known as Congressperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS), has made her way back into the limelight.  Although liberals love her because she's a flame-throwing attack dog, most Americans can't stand this yenta.  This is why DWS goes through phases of being very public and then disappearing.  Attempting to paint Mitt Romney as an out of touch rich guy, Democrats have focused on his irrelevant Swiss bank account, which is apparently very destructive to America!  But wait a second, DWS herself also has money in these evil foreign investments.

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Obama Administration Claims They Inspired Lexus Hybrid SUV - From 2004

Hybrid vehicles began to take off as a trend in the early 2000's.  Those willing to pay a premium for a product that is often viewed as a status symbol now have multiple options, from the Toyota Prius to a Cadillac Escalade hybrid.  In 2004, Japanese luxury automaker Lexus introduced the RX 400h, a hybrid version of their top selling RX SUV.  If you're the Obama administration, this luxo-hybrid SUV isn't just a great idea, it was your idea!

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Valerie Jarrett: Class Warfare Rhetoric Comes from FOX News

The poor Iranian Valerie Jarrett!  Her years of effort trying to undermine and destroy America from the inside has left her bitter.  As Barack Hussein Obama's surrogate mother, Jarrett has the ear of the President, as he seeks her advice over Rahm Emanuel and even David "the Red" Axelrod, but that's partly because she bleeds everything that is anti-American.  And yes, the Iranian reference is true, which is consistent with the most anti-Semitic White House in American history.  Well, Jarrett doesn't like it when she gets exposed, so when asked about class warfare, she blames FOX News for the message.

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