Obama Campaign Wedding Registry Fundraiser a Flop

In what is an extremely surprising situation, it appears that newlyweds aren't interested in giving their guests an option to donate to President Obama's re-election campaign through a gift registry.  The New York Post reported that the "bizarre" method of hasn't taken off as expected, with the creepy fund raising tool not being embraced, even by the most radical Leftist Obama supporters.

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Obama to Business Owners: Somebody Else Made That Happen

Channeling his inner Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, President Obama unleashed one of his bolder attacks to date on the private sector and businesses in general.  Speaking to an audience of degenerate minions, where stupid doesn't even begin to describe these inbreds, Obama lashed out at the producers of America.  Sounding like a despot dictator, Obama stated that business owners aren't creators of anything - somebody else built that.  Translation: you'd be nowhere without the government.

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Desperate Obama Campaign Calls Mitt Romney a Felon

President Obama's campaign is full of the biggest bed wetting miscreants in America.  These twerps know that the only way the Marxist Obama can get re-elected is to lie, cheat and steal.  And that's where millions of Americans have made a major mistake: they've underestimated the radical Left that's working to destroy America from within.  Yesterday, starting with a tweet from David "Hitler would love my 1930's Germany mustache" Axelrod, the Obama campaign coordinated a false attack on Mitt Romney, which resulted in a top Obama campaign deputy calling him a felon.

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