Obama Surrogate: Racism Drives Romney Support

Virginia State Senator Louise Lucas is a racist who has the speaking ability of a five-year old - no offense to five-year olds.  Earlier this week speaking on the John Fredericks Show, Lucas spewed incoherent garbage, charging racism as the motive behind supporters of Mitt Romney.  Lucas, an African-American, has undoubtedly wasted a good portion of her life hurting other blacks by oppressing them with liberal policies that enslave them to the state.  But that aside, this absolute piece of shit went on a racist tirade attacking all opponents of her Dear Leader.

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Obama on Economy: We Tried Our Plan...and It Worked!

After showing some ankle two weeks ago when President B. Hussein Obama told small business owners "you didn't build that," he's doubling down on this issue by touting his economic policies and how well they've worked.  The only problem is that, with 8.2% unemployment, Obama's policies have hardly worked.  And with a record $6 trillion in new debt added, it's simply demented that Obama is claiming his policies worked.

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Justice Department Investigating Pennsylvania's Voter ID Law

Leave it to the White House and the former defender of terrorists, Attorney General Eric Holder, to make politics and getting re-elected a top priority.  Following a plethora of lawsuits against states that are trying to crackdown on voter fraud, the Obama Justice Department is investigating whether Pennsylvania's new voter ID law is discriminatory.  This is the same dog and pony show the DOJ has exercised against other states in an effort to allow people to vote without showing identification.

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