New SEAL Book Raises Questions About Details on Osama bin Laden Raid

One thing that everyone can agree on is that a world without Osama bin Laden is better.  What appears to be difficult to agree on is how much top secret information should be revealed to the public as political propaganda by the White House.  Next week, a member of SEAL Team Six will release a book, No Easy Day, detailing an account of the killing.  However, his details differ from what was shared by the White House, but remind us that zero details should have ever been released about this top secret mission.

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Obama Finalizes Unrealistic Fuel Economy Mandate

On Tuesday, President Obama unveiled absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic automobile gas mileage standards for manufacturers to comply with, or face a government fine.  These are known as CAFE standards - Corporate Average Fuel Economy - and they stifle innovation and make vehicles less safe, as many companies can only meet the mileage requirements by reducing weight, making vehicles lighter and more dangerous.  The new 2025 standard is 54.5 miles per gallon, bringing attention to his incompetence: you can't dictate innovation.

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Medicaid Patients to Struggle Getting Care Under Obamacare

We already know that Medicare gets gutted by over $700 billion under Obamacare, but there's another part of that the story.  Medicaid, which is designed for the poor, is set to increase dramatically, making it extremely difficult for enrollees to get care.  This is intended under Obamacare, which has the sole purpose of forcing Americans to purchase health care or get fined by the government.  Medicaid gets exploited in the new law, hurting those already in the system.

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