Former Obama Doctor: Obamacare is a Failure

Written by the former physician of Barack Hussein Obama, The Amateur hits book stands tomorrow.  The book, which Human Events received an advanced copy of, does not paint Obama in a flattering light, which means it's actually an accurate account of the man that wants to "fundamentally transform" America into something that's reminiscent of Europe.  Most importantly, the book touches on Obamacare, which is the most notable because one would think that Obama's actual doctor would have some influence over the most radical president in modern history.  As it turns out, everything that conservatives know about Obamacare turns out to be true:  it was crafted by an extreme politburo behind closed doors, without input from actual doctors.

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Obama Vandalizes White House Presidential Biographies

Yesterday, conservatives took to Twitter with the hashtag #ObamaInHistory to poke fun at something that's both funny and disturbing.  It's funny because what President Obama did only fuels the narrative that he's a narcissist who distorts reality to fit his agenda.  We're talking about the White House presidential biographies that were vandalized by the Obama administration and posted on the White House website.  Vandalize is the appropriate word here and the proof below will make that clear.  Biographies dating back to Calvin Coolidge have been altered to include propaganda and connect Obama to historic times in American history.  It's this type of propaganda that we've become accustomed to with the Obama administration, but this crosses the line.

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Soros, Top Democrat Donors Aiming to Buy Votes for Election

The headline says it all.  Facing Super PACs, thanks to the Citizens United Supreme Court case that leveled the playing field that labor unions once owned, Democrats are using familiar tactics in preparation for the 2012 election.  The scapegoat continues to be the Citizens United case, as Democratic front groups blame what they perceive as a disadvantage for this fall.  But that's not stopping billionaire and puppet master George Soros from donating millions to election causes, outside of the advocacy groups that he funds, including the Tides Foundation, Center for American Progress and Media Matters.  Instead of running negative attack ads, Democrats are focusing on voter registration.  Translation: buying votes.

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