Democrats to Circumvent Supreme Court if Arizona Immigration Bill is Upheld

Arizona's immigration law, SB1070, has been in the national spotlight since it passed in 2010.  It has been distorted and manipulated by the Left and the media primarily to paint Republicans as anti-immigrant racists.  The objective is clear: Democrats need the Hispanic vote in order for Obama to win re-election.  It's at this point when snake oil starts to get sold, which means Senator Chuck Schumer (D - NY) is involved.  Today, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) begins hearing the Arizona immigration law case.  This caused panic among liberals back in 2010 because a state decided to take on an issue that the federal government ignored.  It's what's going on behind the scenes that matters: Democrats, led by Schumer, are planning to invalidate Arizona's law if it's upheld by the SCOTUS.

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