On Fast and Furious, Obama DOJ Referring Reporters to Media Matters

Operation Fast and Furious is something the Obama administration would love to bury.  It's a thorn in their side that won't go away, despite the liberal media's attempt to put out the fire numerous times.  As recently as last week, it was reported that Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is expected to charge Attorney General Eric Holder with contempt for withholding information on Fast and Furious.  With conservatives keeping this story alive, the White House has enlisted many of their key allies to clean up their mess through lies and distortion, but primarily to take the attention off of the White House's involvement in the gun smuggling operation.  They somewhat diverted attention, that is until it became known that the Department of Justice has enlisted help from the criminal front group, Media Matters for America

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