Labor Unions Favored When Applying for Obamacare Waivers

What's an Obamacare story without the mention of waivers be given to labor union thugs?  After garnering some attention in 2011, no thanks to suppression by the liberal media, Obamacare waivers received a new process by tightening the application rules.  The fallout came when it was blatantly obvious that waivers were given to Obama allies and those that supported the takeover of the health care industry by the federal government.  The reports weren't pretty, as there was no way to hide the bias in who did and didn't receive the waivers (hint: they weren't Republicans), which are designed to hide the true impact of the law.  New details now show that since the new rules were announced, Obama's thug allies at the labor unions continue to be favored.

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Obama Circumvents Congress; Ignores Constitution with Recess Appointment

Somebody needs to remind President Obama that he's not Benito Mussolini.  In an act of defiance to get his way, Obama made four recess appointments yesterday, with one of them being against the law of Dodd-Frank Financial Reform that was rammed into law in 2010.  Congress is not in recess and the Senate specifically planned not to go into recess so Obama couldn't make any recess appointments.  But that didn't stop Obama and his dictatorial-like actions.  This was a coordinated effort between the White House and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), as the announcement was made at a high school in Ohio, a key swing state.  Finally back from vacation, the president sought to put a greater emphasis on his dissatisfaction with Congress.  Essentially, like a typical liberal, Obama is playing the victim card.  

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Obama Administration Pressuring Agents to Approve Immigration Visas

The Daily got their hands on an exclusive internal report from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that shows higher-ups within the agency are pressuring lower level employees to rubber-stamp immigrants' visa applications.  The article is more stunning proof that the Obama administration is running the government by fiat and ignoring Congress, which defeated the amnesty bill known as the DREAM Act.  Essentially what's happening is USCIS employees that are following the rules and reviewing visa applications are getting demoted or, if a case needs a more thorough review, said case gets transferred to someone that will fast-track it.  This is a coordinated effort between the White House, the Department of Justice and immigration services.  And it shows the Obama administration has complete contempt for the law.

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