Senator Gillibrand Cashed in on Shorting Housing Stocks

Last week a report was released that detailed New York's junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's hypocrisy.  Back when she was a member of Congress and privy to insider information, Gillibrand and her husband shorted housing stocks 34 times.  This was at a time when the housing crisis was in to gear.  The obvious perception is that Gillibrand profited from the insider knowledge she obtained, which, at the surface, appears to be accurate.  The result was huge financial gains for the Gillibrand's due to insider information.  What's ironic is that Gillibrand, a radical liberal, claims to be a champion of the STOCK Act, which is aimed at stopping insider trading!  The irony of politics, particularly liberalism: do as I say, not as I do.

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Jesse Jackson Claims GOP Rhetoric Will Lead to Obama's Assassination

It usually takes a few days to hear about news that's made on MSNBC because nobody watches the non-network.  Since the perverted pontificator Keith Olbermann left over a year ago, there's absolutely no reason to watch MSNBC, even for entertainment purposes.  But every now and then, one of the hosts or a guest makes an outrageous comment, which is intended to be provocative, thus driving attention to the irrelevant.  Wednesday on Martin Bashir's show (who?), Jesse Jackson felt that he needed the spotlight and used his standard incoherent and inflammatory rhetoric.  But he crossed the line, even though nobody will ever call him out on it.  The race-baiting poverty-pimp said the rhetoric of the GOP could cause people to turn violent and lead someone to assassinate President Obama.

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Liberal Activists Target Weathermen Not Promoting Global Warming

Liberal activists have been busy filling the internet and school systems with lies about global warming - or climate change, whichever name fits the scenario - for years.  After Climategate and countless other incidents, the global warming argument, which is pushed by far-Left, liberal extremists, is nothing more than a lie to achieve a greater goal of massive government control of the individual.  However, these enviro-Nazi activists simply ignore the facts and continue to push lies.  Thanks to the Daily Caller, we now know that a radical group - Forecast the Facts - is targeting local meteorologists that they feel haven't pushed the issue enough or consider them deniers.  They want to expose these individuals and replace them with good little minions that will follow their orders.

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