Obama's College Classmate Says the Scandal is at Columbia University

Let's be clear about one thing: Barack Hussein Obama is the most secretive president in American history.  We were never birthers at Habledash, but rather, we wanted to know why someone would go to such great lengths to hide something so innocent?  It didn't add up.  Well, a former classmate of Obama's at Columbia University, who's also a Vegas odds-maker - Wayne Allyn Root - says it's time for Romney to quit playing nice on the tax returns issue and demand that Obama release his college transcripts - because Root believes he's hiding something and the scandal is at Columbia.  

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White House Behind Cuts for Non-Union Pensions at Delphi, Emails Show

The auto bailout was a Bush policy that blossomed under Obama. Of course, a side benefit was trying to save both General Motors (GM) and Chrysler, but that was never the primary function.  The Obama administration is filled with corrupt individuals that do anything to stay in power, even if that means purging the pensions of non-union auto workers to pay back the United Auto Workers (UAW) union, as revealed in new emails.  Delphi non-union workers lost their pensions because they weren't owed a payback by the White House. 

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White House Offers Amnesty for $465 Through Backdoor DREAM Act

Back in June, President Obama circumvented Congress to enforce the DREAM Act through executive fiat.  Despite Congress voting down the amnesty bill on a number of occasions, Obama needed to secure the Latino vote for this fall's election.  On Monday, Obama's dictatorial power grab went live, with amnesty costing a mere $465 for qualified candidates in hopes that Democrats will secure more votes and unions will gather more dues that get funneled back to Democrats. 

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