EPA Holding Job-Killing Regulations Until After Election

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is arguably the most radical bureaucracy under Barack Obama.  Led by the extreme slob Lisa Jackson, the EPA has been circumventing Congress and enforcing mandates to impose Obama's radical agenda.  These regulations include unrealistic gas mileage standards for automobiles and a dictate that carbon dioxide, the air we breathe, is a greenhouse gas.  Senator James Inhofe (R - OK) has asserted that the EPA is punting more regulations until after the election because they "spell doom" for jobs and the economy.

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Obamacare's Pre-Existing Condition Pool Has Less Than 1% of the Country Enrolled

One of the principle hoaxes pushed by the White House and Democrats was that Americans needed health care reform because people with pre-existing conditions are denied care.  This was a strategy to play on people's emotions so they'd support Obamacare.  As we reported, pre-existing conditions effect a sliver of the population - states have high risk pools to help these people.  However, pre-existing conditions were sold as a reason health care needed to be rewritten.  It turns out that less than 1% of the population has benefited from this change.

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Obama's Relationship with Anti-Semite Jeremiah Wright Dates Back to '87

While the elite media focuses on Bain Capital and Mitt Romney's tax returns, attention gets diverted from the unsavory character in the White House.  Attention on Reverend Jeremiah Wright only last a brief while during the 2008 election because the media wasn't interested in it.  However, Americans never fully got exposed to the radical friends of Obama and their influence on him growing up.  While Obama claimed his relationship was spiritual with Wright, new documents show that to not be the case.

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