Florida GOP Debate Revealed the Real Mitt Romney

Last night's Florida GOP debate was uneventful.  Frankly, it was boring.  All of the candidates looked exhausted and questions, once again, covered irrelevant issues that brought little, if any, attention to the Obama administration.  Instead, the debate served as an opportunity to see a side of Mitt Romney that reveals deeper insight to his true character: he will attack anyone that stands in his way of becoming president.  For some time we've pointed out that Mitt Romney will do and say anything to become president.  This is a character flaw that we see in Barack Obama.  The ego comes before taking a stand on the issues.  The Florida GOP debate showed, as in previous debates, that Romney isn't putting America first, but rather himself.

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Mark Levin Launches His New Book: Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America [Video]

Constitutional lawyer and conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin releases his latest book today, Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America.  Levin has been a leader in the conservative movement, as well as a vocal supporter of the Tea Party.  In 2009, he released Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, which set the stage for modern conservative books.  It sold well over one million copies, which is no easy feat for a book.  The difference between Levin's books and those from other individuals in the conservative movement, is that his message resonates and is valid, given his constitutional background.  These books aren't written just because - they have a specific meaning.  Ameritopia is Levin's next intellectual achievement.

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Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire, So What's Next?

Mitt Romney rocked New Hampshire last night, winning about 40% of the vote.  Coming in second was Ron Paul, followed by Jon Huntsman, who had the support of many Democrats and independents.  This makes sense because liberals think Huntsman is what a Republican should be.  Finishing fourth was Newt Gingrich, followed by Rick Santorum.  So what's next?  It's painfully obvious that the GOP establishment wants Romney to win the nomination, which we outlined here.  Even the media is pulling hard for Romney.  These are major factors, but we're still months away from having a nomination.  And the situation is likely to drastically change.

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